The Check List


The Bridal Check List - this is a FREE, printable PDF download so you can have it on hand to physically check off the non-negotiables, to come prepared for your makeup artist, hairstylist and photographer on the day!

These are going to help keep you organised without the stress of forgetting something! There’s already a tonne on your mind and likely some nerves and butterflies are making themselves present. This is going to help keep some things in check, so you can focus on your hydration, your eating and your vows. Leave the rest to us :)

-Alison Maissin MUA

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The Bridal Check List - this is a FREE, printable PDF download so you can have it on hand to physically check off the non-negotiables, to come prepared for your makeup artist, hairstylist and photographer on the day!

These are going to help keep you organised without the stress of forgetting something! There’s already a tonne on your mind and likely some nerves and butterflies are making themselves present. This is going to help keep some things in check, so you can focus on your hydration, your eating and your vows. Leave the rest to us :)

-Alison Maissin MUA